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OzRoamer 2015 4WD & AWD SUV Awards Special Edition e-magazine

2015 OzRoamer 4WD & AWD SUV Awards Cover final

2015 OzRoamer 4WD & AWD SUV Awards Cover final

In December there seems to be a buzz around the Car Of The Year Awards (COTY), like Christmas carols in shopping malls,  the announcement of annual awards from the motoring magazines and websites also gets earlier each year. In an effort to beat each other we may end up with the situation where the Cars of the Year will be announced in June. I suppose that mixes well with Christmas in July.

However it has always struck us here at OzRoamer as just a little strange that COTY winners should be announced before the year is actually finished. So as we always seem to do things just a little differently here at OzRoamer to give our readers maximum information and benefit, our awards for 2015 are announced in this issue. This way we can actually assess all relevant vehicles for our awards.

The criteria for our awards is simple:

Pricing comes from the industry website with a Sydney 2000 postcode as the standard. The categories , we think, reflect real world buying decisions. If you feel we have left a worthwhile contender out please let us know for next year.

So to the categories and contenders! This year there are 11 categories and over 45 contenders for various awards.

OzRoamer 2015 Sports SUV Award

OzRoamer 2015  Dual Cab Ute Award

OzRoamer 2015 4WD under $60,000 Award

OzRoamer 2015 4WD over $60,000 Award

OzRoamer 2015 AWD SUV under $60,000 Award

OzRoamer 2015  AWD SUV over $60,000 Award

OzRoamer 2015 7 Seat 4WD under $60,000 Award

OzRoamer 2015 7 Seat 4WD over $60,000 Award

OzRoamer 2015 7 Seat AWD SUV under $60,000 Award

OzRoamer 2015 7 Seat AWD SUV over $60,000 Award

OzRoamer 2015  Prestige SUV over $100,000 Award

To find out the winners simply BUY HERE for the magazine and read the following pages, maybe there are a few surprises there. The results are sure to prompt a lot of emails like last year as we have alternate views on vehicles and aren’t influenced by advertising dollars or reputations. Our view is that the reader should be able to rely on these awards to assist with buying decisions.

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